Monday, 7 January 2019

Giving off good vibrations

For a while now I’ve thought I had no more need to write. 
My head’s in the happiest space it’s been in 'for a very long time and the words, 
whilst they still scramble around in my head for a footing, 
are all positive and uplifting.  
Gratitude abounds.
One of my dearest friends though, 
who’s provided SO much love and support over the years, 
has started blogging again (Follow this link to read her blog) and she got me thinking.
Being in a happy space doesn’t mean I shouldn’t write. 
In fact, it would be quite remiss of me NOT to share the happy space I find myself in.
The written word has a permanence the spoken word doesn’t have, 
and I love that.
Choosing to be happy with what I have and where I am in life at the moment is easy.   
I have to pinch myself some mornings 
to reassure myself that the life I’m living isn’t a dream.
And it isn’t.
It’s real.  
It’s me being connected to who I authentically am 
and loving what that means.
Giving off good vibrations has become my norm.
Even at 5.30 in the morning.
I cannot emphasis enough how life-changing my morning rambles are.  
Even when the body’s weary and the mind over-burdened
the very act of putting one foot in front of the other is therapeutic.
It sets my state of mind for the day.  
Reinforces the natural order of life that is so easily overlooked
 - to firstly know oneself.
Know your values, your interests, your temperament.  
The focused mental state of being interested in something 
that makes life vivid.
The relationship I have with myself is one of the most important relationships in my life.  
If I don’t know who I am, then how is anyone else supposed to?  
I have a very healthy and positive self-esteem,
 which has been a long time in the making. 
It’s this very self-esteem though 
that enables me to live the happy and fulfilling life that I do.  
And yes, life really IS fulfilling and meaningful.
It doesn't mean that everything's perfect
 - far from it - 
but I'm perfectly happy with that.
Chaos DOES create change, and it IS life-altering.  
Your attitude to it will ultimately determine what you take away from it.  
I choose to be happy and let those good vibrations ripple through my life.